Directions from Exit 39 (Glen Cove Road) on the Long Island Expressway coming from Manhattan.
The only difference coming from the West is step 2
- Take I-495 East 20.1 miles from the Midtown Tunnel.
- Turn left (or north) at Exit 39 onto Glen Cove Rd; continue north for 2.0 mi
- Turn right or East onto Northern Blvd; continue for 3.3 mi
- Turn left onto Wolver Hollow Rd; continue for 1.5 mi
- Turn right onto Chicken Valley Rd; continue for 1.0 mi
- Turn right onto Planting Fields Rd; continue for 0.6 mi; entrance is on the right;
- stop at the guard shack and indicate you are coming to the Long Island
- Gesneriad meeting (no parking charged)
- The meetings are in the South Lounge of the Visitor’s Center (the building with the steeple on top)
GPS and Formal address is:
Planting Fields Arboretum State Park
1395 Planting Fields Rd.
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
40.868134, -73.552840